Philanthropy: supporting Matakohe school

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Dear Rosemary,

RE: Swimming pool maintenance funding

Thank you for your letter dated 8th May 2023 in which you request a funding donation to purchase

chemicals for the upkeep of Matakohe School’s swimming pool.

As we have previously stated, the Members of the Matakohe Lodge are very appreciative of the

efforts that you and your staff put into learn-to-swim activities at the school. Swimming skills taught

at an early age will become a life-long asset to the students who participate and may one day help

save lives during an adverse event.

Accordingly, we are pleased to advise you that the Members have carefully considered your request

and have unanimously agreed to provide funding to the value of $1,000 towards the 2023 annual

maintenance and running costs of the pool. These funds will be deposited by direct credit to the

school’s bank account.

We thank you again for your and your staff’s efforts in promoting water safety and swimming

competency in our community.

Yours sincerely,

Grant Henderson


Kiwi Lodge No.91

Progressive Lodge NZ


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